My kitchen is a little challenging - while large square feet wise it is tiny on storage. So I had a baker's rack (read: boring and open-storage messy) and decided a cheap bedroom dresser painted up all fun would do just the trick.
(There is a reason there is not a paint color named craigslist brown.)


and a little modge podge and fabric equals

After the first coat of paint I was really skeptical if I was going to like it. It's SO bright! It is exactly the color I picked out, but in reality brighter than I initially wanted. I moved it into the kitchen so I could give it a test drive, see if I needed to go darker, or calmer, or something-er.
I was thinking about glass knobs, but I was trying to keep this little project within a tight budget. So when I got these cute little fabric covered button magnets (Thanks Lolly!) made with the scraps from my quilting bee quilt, I realized that fabric covered knobs might be just the thing!

and I think they are.
budget: dresser 35$ + paint 12$ + primer 3$ + scraps (on hand) + modge podge (on hand) = 50$!!
(This dresser is going to be re-purposed to my sewing studio when I have a sewing studio. And when it's not needed in the kitchen!)
*****In other magnet news*****
Have you ever made these? little flat glass rocks + modge podge + amy butler scrapbook paper =*****In other magnet news*****
25 crafty mcCrafters commented: totally forgot to mention this when we spoke today. hello! it turned out so adorable. you were super swift in finishing it, too.
we are making the magnets at my first project of the month group meeting on monday. how big are those glass rocks? the ones i got are kind of small. i don't think that much of the flower would fit in them.
how dang cute!
I now think that you are the Queen of Furniture Makeovers.
I'm inspired to make over a few UGLY dressers in my house.
I love it!!! And my favorite color. What a great idea for kitchen space.
It turned out great Amy, I'm glad you decided to follow through with that color! It will be a great addition to your future sewing room!
Hi Amy!!! FABULOUS color and GREAT redo!!! WHY can't I find any "Finds" like that in our area??? Hmmmmmm... going to keep my eyes PEELED!!!
And I have the flatrock magnets on my "inspiration/to do" list!
lala :o)
Love it! I am a huge fan of green.
I love that shade of green. I bet it really brightens up your kitchen!
And, Mod Podge, is already my best friend. But we've known each other for years and I'm happy to loan her out.
oh that green is not like my first round of green--yours is way better!!! but i like round 2 and you've motivated me to get going and get it finished....right after my 2 business trips this and next weekend (boo!). :)
Wow! That looks great Amy! I love it!
Turned out great!! Funny...I painted the top (bottom was white) of my last kitchen that color. My dining room is a similar color.
I have always wanted to work with modpodge, but have never ventured. I think I will have to try now.
I am so thrilled for you--it's fantastic!
adding this to the Nest Files tumblr acct!
That is soooo cute...the color is really pretty and the knobs are perfect!!! Love it!
That's really cute! The fabric idea is great...must remember that one!
Green is so "NOW" - but I am surprised after your last post that you have forsaken blue! :)
It turned out so nice. How adorable! And I'm sure it totally enhances the kitchen. Love, love, love it!
This looks so great! Good job! I have never thought of a dresser in the kitchen - but I could use one too! I'm off to check out craigslist again :)
Amy, what a great idea & I LOVE the extra cool touch of fabric knobs. Very nice looking! :)
Very cute!!! And even cuter in person! I really love the knobs...Good Job.
Thanks for visiting my blog. I love the dresser and buttons!
Check this blog out...I thought you would like it...:)
I love your dresser redo! And the knobs are so cute! Love it, love it!
How cute is that! I just love redoing old furniture & mod podging is a lot of fun too. What a cute project.
You did a great job! I am so needing to step out of my comfort zone and start painting things! I can't wait! I have a few pieces to work on soon, I guess the sooner the better! :)
okay LOVE IT!!!! i may just have to give it a go!!!!!
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