So I was at the commissary the other day. We were woefully short on bananas. As I approached the banana stand I was sad to see that all the bananas were Christmas green. You know the ones I am talking about, they don't even stand a chance of ripening well. Upon further inspection I saw 2 suspicious looking paper bags also on the stand. "Hmm", I thought, "what is that?" Then I saw they were full of bananas, of the yellow variety. And there were A LOT of them. I was surprised that some of them even still had a little green on the stem. AND, they were only $2.00 for the
entire bag. "WHAT??!" The green ones were .54/lb. I sat there scratching my head for several minutes wondering if it was worth the savings to take home THAT many bananas.
Here are some of the things that went through my head as I contemplated bringing them home:
- how many fruitflies are going to invade my house?
- will they go bad before I have time to use them?
- do I have enough freezer space to accommodate all of these?
- how many smoothies can I possibly eat?
- do I really like banana bread THAT much?
- (and follow up) do I need to buy chocolate chips?
- can I lift this bag?
- do I have a pet monkey?
- isn't there some sort of pie with bananas and nilla wafers?
- does someone I know have a pet monkey?
- is there a way to make fabric out of banana peels with which to make reusable shopping bags?
As you can see my bargain loving side won out. I wish I had weighed the bag when I got home. This picture was taken after several had already been eaten. I'm now pawning bananas off to my in-laws, neighbors, and 2 kids. And if you know me, and live close to me, I hope you like banana bread!
Unless you have another idea - anyone have any to-die for banana recipes? Have you ever seen anything like this?
12 crafty mcCrafters commented:
I have a recipe for chocolate chip banana cookies. My brother loves them most with some butter cream frosting on top (which I think is disgusting, but he swears by it). Let me know if you want it and I'll email it to you :)
Ps - I LOVE the cookies - just not with the frosting on top.
I love "listening" to your thoughts! You are funny!
That is so awesome. The produce deal always wins in my house, too. My best banana tip, cut them into ice cube size chunks and freeze, add to smoothies instead of ice, extra rich and creamy! Also, don't forget chocolate dipped frozen bananas! All you need is some melted chocolate, popcicle sticks and your freezer (sprinkles are always a nice touch.)
How about banana pancakes?
mmm, what a good find. do post any great banana recipes you come across!
LMAO! You are a riot!
You're cracking me up Amy! Let me know how the banana peel fabric comes along! I might have to try that one!
I love banana chip bread!!! One of my mom' best recipes. Banana pancakes with CC too! I love bananas with CC, makes the world go round!
Hi Amy... Oh how I MISS the commisary!!! My Mother has Quantico AND Ft. Belvoir within a half an hour of her... LUCKY DUCK!!! I alway use to shop "bottom shelf" deals (which is where all the "Deep Discounts" were stocked!!!
If you freeze them I would put them on a baking sheet first... stick THAT into the freezer... then bagup the frozen banana chunks...
Have fun with all those bananas!
Lala :o)
Oh I wish I wasn't so woefully behind on my reading! I have so very many banana recipes to share. The banana pudding on the 'nilla wafer box is yummy; my favorite banana muffins; sautéd bananas over ice cream. I could go on. Email me if you still have some left and need more ideas...
I cannot pass up on a banana deal! I posted my own pile and a bread recipe last month -
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