Tuesday, November 04, 2008

did i already mention that i have a problem?

and that I might need therapy? Fabric.com had a great sale last month. It was like a virtual scratch-off coupon. Mine was 35% off and they were already offering FREE shipping. I can't pass up free shipping. Nor could I pass up paying less than 10$/yard for REAL minky. Look for some darling baby blankets, coming soon!

I've been wanting this Amy Butler belle acanthus for months (on the right) and they finally had it in stock. I have a Christmas gift in mind for someone. And wait until you see what I'm turning the beautiful teal pieces into.... Also Amy Butler, and I have to tell you. I've seen it many times online and this particular design never struck me to be anything I would love. But, OH BOY! when it came, wow! It's breathtaking. Seriously.

Some of these prints I got from Sew, Mama, Sew's shop. And the rest from this order. I have had it in my head that I wanted to do a green quilt. All green with white or something. I can't really explain it, so I guess I'll just have to make it and let you see how it turns out!

I'm taking a fabric shopping sabbatical. I really need to get some things finished before I take on much more! There's too much potential energy at my house at the moment.

Oh, and thanks for all the banana idea helps! We managed to just eat most of them. I froze the last dozen or so yesterday for future use. I had to curtail the fruitflies taking up residence in my kitchen!

1 crafty mcCrafters commented:

Debbie said...

OH my heck girl you are addicted, but I LOVE IT!!! I love the apples in the green. I only got 15% for that coupon, you have all the luck! I can't wait to see what you are up to. I am trying to get together with Abi to have her help me with my aprons. When I am ready I will let you know!!!
Miss ya!

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