Wednesday, April 13, 2011

mission impossible: sewing room clean-up

Do you ever get to a point where you just can't take the disorganization anymore?
I had a little sewing night with friends last weekend and had to get my stuff together to take to my friend's house. WHAT A PAIN!! I couldn't find the things I wanted to take as I was searching through piles and making a bigger mess. Ugh. It was painful.

Here's what my sewing space looked like earlier this week:
I've got some organizing to do.
messes always look better in black and white.

And I started grouping things together the other day. Pincushions, patterns, fabric, WIPs, mending, etc. Here's my fabric. Well, some of it.
ready to get refolded and put away. Or used.

Then I started folding it all yesterday and organizing by print. Have you see this method for folding fabric?  I LOVE it.  And now I want to take pictures like Darci did of her polka dot stash!
sorting and folding

Do you have a fabric twin? I think Darci is mine. Every time I see something new in her photostream or on her blog, I die a little inside! Dieing of cuteness and adorable-ness. Like these pictures of the Denyse Schmidt fabrics you can buy at Joann's!

Here's to hoping I'll get my act together and then finish up some WIPs I have going!  I might be selling off some of my stash too, sooooo, stay tuned.   Nothing like pulling out all your fabric to realize you might just have a wee bit too much.  On the other hand, I've got all sorts of new ideas....

8 crafty mcCrafters commented:

Trudi said...

Need to do a little sewing space refinding myself! I love that folding method too, just got way too much to fold, it's taking me forever! Happy tidying :)

Sarah Craig said...

I can testify that that's a great way to fold fabric, AND you can just fit two stacks side by side in those cubby organizers they sell at Target.....

Sara @ Sew Sweetness said...

I need some better organization...when I straighten mine, it always goes to hell in a few days. :-/ I also need to re-fold my fabric, it's all messed up. I wish we had enough space because there's a Borders closing by us and it would be a dream to have some of those really tall bookcases to organize sewing supplies!

Go-Go Kim said...

I love my ruler folded fabric! I can always see what I have!!!!! Good for you for taking CHARGE :o) I always feel better with a tidy sewing space :o)

Sara!!!! What a great idea!!!! Those shelves would be great for fabric storage. Can you buy some disassemble them and store them until you get into a larger space?

Cassandra {Sleeping or Sewing} said...

Thank you!

It makes me feel better seeing other's messy sewing area/room. Mine is a disaster. I attempt to organize but it quickly gets unorganized if I choose to sew.

At least I know I'm not alone so I shouldn't feel too bad.

LollyChops said...

I got my fabric all folded and organized the other day... I just want to stare at it all the time now and never touch it!

Your collection is pretty amazing. I'll try to watch for when you sell some of it off! Sigh.


Erika Mulvenna said...

Yes, I just learned that method for folding that way through a YouTube video a few months ago, saved me SO MUCH space on my shelves. I love all the bright colors of your fabrics!

Darci said...

We are fabric twins which means if you want to giveaway fabric I would love to swap!!!! hehe.

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