Friday, June 29, 2012

sew & tell v3.37 - leedle deedle's here!

Hi everyone!  Summer is in full swing over here and I haven't sewn anything since I got back from vacation.  I've been too busy working on some other non-sewing projects.  My driveway is currently full of primed furniture.

I want to encourage any of you who are on instagram or twitter to share pictures or your blog link there and label it #sewntell!  You can do this any time, it doesn't have to be on Friday! I think we can share this way for the summer months and I'll just do a link up once a month.  The last Friday in July and August.  Then we can start back up with our weekly link ups after Labor Day when school is in and everyone's routines become a bit more normal.  You can also post pictures on my facebook wall!

I had spaced sew & tell for today until Leigh of Leedle Deedle Quilts emailed me late last night asking if I needed something today for sew & tell!! She's a great friend for thinking ahead for me.  And i just love this quilt she made!

Wahoo! I'm so excited that I finished something, I'm over here sharing it with you for Sew and Tell!

This rainbow chevron quilt has been in my head for a few years now. I finally finished it last weekend! I was originally inspired by this mugrug. As soon as I saw it, I had this idea for a quilt. (My original post on the quilt top is here.)

Here is the back. I got the idea from this quilt by Crazy Mom Quilts. I love it!

The full post for this quilt is over on my blog, if you'd like to see it. I also have a tutorial for a twin sized version of this quilt.

Thanks Amy, for having me :)
Leigh, thanks so much!  You were a lifesaver today!

What did you finish this week?
Linky Rules.  Please follow along for a fun party!
1. Please write the post for sew & tell - or add a blurb mentioning sew & tell to a post written since the last sew & tell.  If you are linking to a post with your own tutorial, please make sure it was a finish from this week and that the completed project is shown first.
2. One linky per person. (please put multiple projects in one post.)
3. Link to your specific post.  (See here for permalink instructions - or email me.)
4. Link back here with a link or a button (HTML on my sidebar).
5. Be sure to visit and leave comments on other's posts!

Please put your (blog)name instead of your project name, it helps us get to know each other better!

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This linky list is now closed.

5 crafty mcCrafters commented:

Dayna said...

My youngest daughter took one look at this quilt and said, "I'd just buy it from her." :-) It's gorgeous!

Amy, I like your summer link-up idea. Thanks for being such a faithful leader! Enjoy!

Debbie said...

Very fun quilt - will be checking that out more! And hope it's ok I linked a finished's one folks have been asking for....AND just fyi, A Quilter's Table is now on fb too!

Katy Cameron said...

Oooh, loving those chevrons with the white space in between

trish said...

What a good friend you have here. :0)
I am heading over to see her tutorial.
Have a great weekend Amy. :0)

Finding Fifth said...

woah your link was not open very long! I missed it this week. Sad.

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