Monday, March 16, 2009

on creating and playing

I've just been working on a few bags the last couple of days - but don't have any pictures to post yet. So I thought I would share a couple videos with you!

I found this video and thought it was funny! and a good example of why I'm so tired at the end of the day. Even if mine don't move this fast, I feel like they do. And they make just as big of a mess.

This one is about our need to create from a message that one of the leaders of my church shared at a meeting for the women of the church. It has been making it's rounds so you may have seen it already. I love the message. (you can read the full text of his talk here.)

and don't miss the two giveaways I posted on my right sidebar! Fun creations by some fun women!

3 crafty mcCrafters commented:

Julie said...

Oh my gosh, I got tired just watching that little baby playing!

Also, I loved President Uchdorf's talk. That was really neat how it was put to music & with the pictures, very inspiring. I may post that to my blog too. Thanks! :)

Unknown said...

some how I just realized that you have a left sidebar! Good job :)

buttercup said...

Did you noticed the mess the baby made was essentially accomplished in the 1st 30 seconds of the video? So cute and I LOVED the french music.

I need your template for your blog cause that's exactly how I want the grotto to look. I need to work on a banner. Will you tell me where to find the template for the 3 columns please?

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