Saturday, July 05, 2008

Salute to a Classic

I have decided to come clean about my love of hot dogs. I know, I know, the stories that go on about what is in them, the ordinary-ness of them, the kid-ness of them, they're oh-so-very plain, really. And yet - I can't go to a barbecue and NOT have one!! I love them - I used to be embarrassed by it, but now the hot-dog lover in me is ignoring my inner health nut and I am declaring:

So in honor of BBQ season and my love of them I dedicate this post to the all-American hot dog.

Here is a video from the National Hot Dog Council (what? people get PAID to promote hot dogs?). I am especially pleased to hear them address the proper use (or non-use) of ketchup on a dog. Side-note: I like mine with plain yellow mustard and some sweet relish.

Okay, so there you have it, from the experts. Now, another interesting bit. America's Test Kitchen and Cook's Illustrated are my current favorite recipe destinations. They just did a piece ranking hot dogs with their panel of tasting experts. Read about which dogs are the best HERE.

8 crafty mcCrafters commented:

Julie said...

I love hot dogs too!!! The best hot dogs, and if you are a plain hot dog lover like my husband you'll puke when you hear this but, I love are from the street vendors in Panama. They put the regular stuff; ketchup, mustard, onions & relish but then they add a little treat that really makes their hot dogs great... mayo and cabbage! It is to die for!!! I wish I could get my hands on one or several right this minute!!!!

Thanks for bringing the hot dog to light. It is truly one of my favorite foods too!!

amylouwhosews said...

sounds delish! I love cabbage.

buttercup said...

My favorite dog is a J-Dawg! Next time you come to utah, you have to visit them with me! They own the little shack just south of campus across the street from where the Knight Mangus building used to be (yes they tore it down last month!) I like the R-rated dawg--minus the jalapenos so maybe it should be called the PG-13 Dawg. It's a beef weiner topped with their secret special sauce (to die for!), onions, sour kraut, banana peppers, and a pickle!

buttercup said...

My favorite dog is a J-Dawg! Next time you come to Utah, you have to visit them with me! They own the little shack just south of campus across the street from where the Knight Mangus building used to be (yes they tore it down last month!) I like the R-rated dawg--minus the jalapenos so maybe it should be called the PG-13 Dawg. It's a beef weiner topped with their secret special sauce (to die for!), onions, sauerkraut, banana peppers, and a pickle!

heidizinha said...

my husband and i sell hot dogs for a living, and i believe that hot dogs are everyone's closet favorite food. everyone loves them, they're just afraid to say it.

our friend robyn sent me to your site. thanks for the shot out to hot dogs!

amylouwhosews said...

I've heard good things about J-Dawg's - I'll have to add it to my "places to eat when I'm in Utah" list.

How fun - selling hot dogs for a living!! Do you work at Costco? hahaha - that was where I had my last hot dog. :)

amylouwhosews said...

ah ha! I just looked at your blog - You OWN J-Dawg's! That is very cool. My sister in law will be so impressed that you commented on my blog - she loves you guys!

Jenny said...

Too funny! I love your disclosure. ;) Speaking of hot dogs ... we had chili dogs this weekend. They were so good. We had to finish up the hot dogs left over from the day before! Notice how noone complains when hot dogs are served - even though we all pretend like we don't like them, like you noted!

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