Sunday, November 11, 2007

Marine Corps Ball

We haven't really managed to ever get a good picture of us going to the ball - but here's this year's. I doctored it a bit so it doesn't look AS bad. But, the mere fact that I am pregnant makes the picture all that less attractive to me. Really, can you even buy a decent maternity dress that doesn't make you look as big as a house?

The ball should've been more fun than it was. The commandant of the Marine Corps spoke, there was a MC band there to play the service hymns, etc. However, the acoustics were terrible - we were in a cavernous airplane hangar type space and they had some carpet strategically placed but as far as being able to hear anything - forget it. And don't even talk to me about how drafty it was - I hate being cold! Oh, and did I mention we didn't get served dinner until close to 10 PM (2 1/2 hours late)!? Once I found out there was no cheescake for dessert we left 'early' (11 pm). Oh well, I guess I wouldn't feel so bad if they didn't totally overcharge us for an event of such low quality. So my advice to anyone planning a banquet type event - don't do it at the Fredricksburg Expo Center.

On the plus side, it is always nice to see all those Marines (especially Nick!) dressed in their blues. So handsome! The Marine Corps really does have the best dress uniforms.

5 crafty mcCrafters commented:

TheAkersFam said...

I think you look fantastic! Too bad the night wasn't all it could have been... at least you got to play dress up and have a night out with the hubby, huh?

amylouwhosews said...

That's true, a night out without kids is always a treat. I wish we'd gone to Macaroni Grill and a movie! ha!

Thanks for thinking I look good. That makes me feel better!

Jen-E said...

You do look definitely have the "glow".

amylouwhosews said...

Thanks - I think the glow comes from the glow effect I added with photoshop! haha! seriously, that's what it's called diffuse glow or something like that.

joyful704 said...

looks better than our picture! i agree the uniforms are the best part. this was my first ball, but we spent way too much money for food that tasted like it came from the mess hall! u can't serve a pregnant woman dinner two-hours late, what did you do??!

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