Fortunately, Ali has transformed tricky math into fun QUILT MATH!! With a pretty project to show at the end of the assignment, I was okay with helping her out! hahahha!
This is what my Quilt Lab aka design floor looked like yesterday morning as I was working on the placement.

I was a little intimidated by the pattern at first but once I figured out that I was just making triangles to sew into squares - I calmed down a bit! Ha! I really loved the way it turned out!
I used Vanessa Christensen's Simply Color (moda) ombre gray and turquoise for the solids. It was fun to play the gradation of color!
The polka dots were so fun - Teal Pearl Bracelets, a DS quilts dot from Joann's and the other print was in the quilting section at Hancock's. I just love the minty/aqua/turquoise-y feel of it all.
Ali, thanks for asking me to play! It was nice to work on a project from start to finish and be so happy with the results! I'm thinking I'm going to try again and reduce the template size by 75% and make that zippy pouch!
9 crafty mcCrafters commented:
Fun pattern (although I'm afraid it still won't sell me on evil bananas ;o) )
Love the turquoise! I will miss your turquoise-ness next week.
Great pattern! I am really intrigued with triangles right now. I never got into Calculus, my advisor thought it would ruin my GPA. (boo!)
it looks so great, but all this shapes scare me totally, but anyway i want this book to step out of my comfort zone and learn new things
Beautiful - and great colours!
This is adorable -- love your fabric choices as usual, and I confess that I also break into a cold sweat when I hear the word "calculus!" I'm curious about this book, though -- does the author really make meaningful math connections with the patterns throughout the book? I'm asking because I'm on the lookout for quilt projects with academic tie-ins that would be appropriate for gifted middle school students. These are kids who compete with one another to see who can memorize the most digits of Pi... The more math, the more excited they get!
Cool! Love the colors and I'm still intimidated by what you made. ;o)
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