She was part of A Notion or Two quilting bee with me last year.
Backtrack. I wanted to tell you one of the things I figured out while I was 'away' was that I need to not over-commit. It's not fair to the people that are constantly waiting for me to make good on my end of the deal. And it's not fair to me not enjoy making something because I of the worries that comes with it - guilt for being late, nervous if they will like it, making things because I HAVE to not because I want to. I'm not saying that I didn't want to be a part of such a fun group, but with my life getting so crazy this last year, I couldn't in good conscience continue with the bee and I dropped out. It was a fun group for 2 years. It turns out a lot of us had run our course and it's practically a new group. And I'm a little bit sad that I'm not still in it, because I recognized a lot of sew & tellers in the new group and how fun would it be to quilt with you!! So I've been playing catch-up on bee blocks the last few weeks and have 5 to show you and one more to make.
Okay, back to Penny! I just got the bee blocks she made for my month. I had wanted to make Rachel's Pinwheel Sampler quilt but couldn't do the quilt along, so I decided to have my group make some of the blocks! And they all turned out so cute!
Penny designed this asterisk block for the pinwheel quilt and I love it! She is a pro at paper-piecing and this just makes me happy! I know it was made from her heart. That is one important lesson I've learned from Penny. If it's truly made from your heart it will be perfect and creative and unique!
And if that weren't enough she also included a sweet flannel blanket for babylouwho.
She knows how to rock a crochet hook that's for sure!
She's so sweet she also gave me one of her footstool pincushion patterns to giveaway!
Actual kit will mostly likely differ from the photo. But knowing Penny, it will be equally awesome! |
Isn't it adorable?!
Just leave me a comment and tell me about a blogging friend you've made. I'll leave the giveaway open until, oh, I don't know, Wednesday 22 February? Remember Sew & Tell will be back next Friday! (24 Feb)
I ♥ all of you, my dear blogging buddies!
*fine print - no compensation was received for doing this giveaway. Penny's just nice and wanted to share!
64 crafty mcCrafters commented:
I just started blogging back in I haven't got into conversations with anyone...yet. I'm shocked, and I really mean shocked, that I even have followers. So a blogship (friendship...don't know if blogship works) I guess could happen. I never in my wildest dreams thought I would have a blog and just out of the blue created one. And it's been sooo fun!!
Am I a kiss-up if I say AmyLouWho? Just in case, I'll say Melissa at We Shall Sew, who I met on a trip to Colorado! But what I love is that I have met through blogging people from around the world who I would have otherwise never known! Makes the world such a happy place!
I have met so many wonderfully creative bloggers since I started blogging. Some of these gals have been such an encouragement to me. Julia ( has always been so sweet. I feel that we developed a kinship when her Mom passed away. My Mom passed when I was in my 20's, so I knew what she was going through. There are others who bring me so much joy. Kelly (I Have A Notion), Darlene (SewCalGal) and Darlene ( have been great blogging friends. There are others, and I hate to not mention all, but the list could go on. There are so many wonderful gals out there, and I ma blessed to share some cyber time with them :-)
I belong to an online quilting group; and many of our quilters are also bloggers - I enjoy reading their posts.
Today I stumbled upon your blog from Piece N Quilt's site.
Obviously, I'm not entering the giveaway and this will probably mess up your count, but I just have to say, Amy, you are such a master at photography! Your pics actually make my stuff look waaaay better than it really is, lol!
I love those blocks! and the footstool pincushion is adorable!
I just started sewing in the last few weeks, and have made a few wonderful friends already! My first sewing buddie is Terri ( She is such a sweetie, and has been so helpful and has had wonderful advice for me! I am so happy to have 'met' her :)
Thanks for letting me share!
hugs, margie
AMY! I totally know how you feel! Back in Ohio, 7 + years ago, I belonged to an honest to goodness quilting guild with 150 + members. We had small "splinter" groups of 12 that acted very similarly to online bees, but IRL! Anyway, between the commitments from both these groups, and presents that I wanted to make for other people in my life, sewing became all about other people, and it TOTALLY FRUSTRATED me because I wanted to be doing my own thing, but didn't know what that "thing" was.
When we moved, I did visit the new local guild, and made (for me, a very smart) decision to not join. I'd love to wax philosophic for a moment and point out how quilting is largely a female thing, and it points to the female need to nurture that so much of sewing becomes about others! :-)
I still feel the guilt when I have every intention to make a beautiful baby quilt for a new baby, or wall art for a newly married couple, and they still DON'T HAPPEN! Argh! Having the business/doing shows has provided me with the impetus/excuse to make my art and put that above the need to make gifts. (I substitute with dyeing pre-made clothes, or collaborating with people so my time commitment isn't so heavy)
Whoo nellie - I'm waxing eloquently today (or babbling on and on, depending on how you read it!) I think what we both need to continue to work on understanding is that just because we CAN do something, doesn't mean we SHOULD, right?
Blogging friends - I have many, and I am so lucky to have them (and you are one!) WOOT!
I love blogging. I love being able to keep in touch with friends here in town that I just don't run into much anymore and meeting new friends clear across the country that are always the first to leave comments.
Oh gads isn't this wonderful. I think you are right if it's made from the heart. I'm new to the modern quilting world as I thought that this was for my mother. But I've gotten my dearest real friend dipping her toe into the blogging world (although she had a blog way before me) and we are on the move. Attending tons of quilt shows and hopefully a conference this fall. Love it and oh if I could see how she did that crochet edge. Never thought to mix the two media.
First...Where can I find the pattern for Penny's block? I want to learn how to make it.
As for blogging friends....Wendy @ Why Knot Kwilt is my latest blogging buddy. We met at the New Year's Eve twitter party, began following each other then emailing each other and she recently sent me a fat quarter because I was short one for a quilt along. Was that a run on sentence?
I am very grateful for the blogging friends I have made over the last year or so...
I've never met any bloggers in person except Sarah from hardakerandpope but there are so many lovely people I feel I know so well!!
Thanks for the giveaway!
I have made so many blogging buddies. I am so grateful for each of the sweet friends that I have made through chatting back and forth on line. I am hoping to be able to go to the Sewing Summit in Fall to hopefully meet some of these amazing people :)
I've just been enjoying reading about all the other women who love to sew and craft. They have been an inspiration. I hope to start a blog soon about my recent sewing efforts.
That pincushion is too cute!
I so seldom comment on your blog, but have it posted on mine as a favorite and read regularly. :o)
What a special friend you have to be right by your side when needed. :o)
I have made a number of sweet friends through blogging, one being Renee at Sewn with Grace. :o) She is just a sweet heart!! :o)
I can hardly wait for Sew and Tell! I am finishing up some hand quilting (posted the quilt if you would like to take a little peek ... smile).
I hope you are having a very nice weekend.
Sincerely, Trish
I haven't made any blogging friends really....but I sure do get excited when I get comments! It makes me realize that people are reading what I write!
Yay for blogging friends! I've made friends with the ladies in my quilting bees!
I've been a lurker on several quilting blogs for about a year, since shortly after I started quilting. I love how everyone shares so openly, yet I've been too shy to share my blog with anyone but family! Soon, though...
Wow!... I am new to the blogging world. I didn't know there were such nice, sweet people out there. I just recently began sewing again after 20 years! Anyway... I don't have a blog friend yet. I'm not sure how you get one :-) I thought you just read about these wonderful crafters. Love your blog!
I am lucky enough to have 3 blog friends that I email or talk to on an almost daily basis! I even found one real life friend through a 3rd blogger! What a great thing we all have! I adore the pincushion, would be super excited to have one in my sewing room! :)
My blog has only been up for about a month, so I haven't really gained a lot of followers or made friends yet, but I want to! Come on over!!
I have enjoyed all the bloggy friends who leave me comments (or reply to mine), but especially those in my city's modern quilt guild. I even found a co-worker who loves to quilt that way--and neither of us would have known the other was sewer if not for the Internet!
I have no bloggy friends, but I have witnessed Rachel make several through her adoption journey. Does that count? :)
I don't have a blog, but it always makes my day when a blogger responds to one of my comments. Thanks for the giveaway!
Ummm, YOU!! :-) Also Bree at My Crafty Crap and Monique at SewFunByMonique and Emily at Mommy's Naptime. And there's more and more new bloggy friends I meet every day!
I have made a couple of friends through my blog. One is Vreni from Oops Lah, She always leaves comments which has us sending emails back and forwards. I feel like I have made a whole new set of friends who have the same passion as me - sewing!
I wish I could say I've made friends through the blogosphere, but sadly, that hasn't happened yet. There are a couple blogs that I read that I definitely feel a kinship with the author, but it's likely that these women wouldn't know of me specifically. The two that stick out in my mind are Steph who writes at adventuresinbabywearing because we seem to have similar parenting styles and Kate at swimbikequilt because we both do triathlons, sew and like tea.
We have a new branch of Modern Quilt Guild, and I met a new blogger at one of our meetings. Turns out we live less than a block apart!!! I got my lifetime wish of a great neighbor who loves to sew. Unbelievable! Check out her blog...sewcraftyjess.
I made a blogging friend who, it turns out, lives pretty close to me. Sight unseen, we decided to go to a quilt show together last summer, a show about 3 1/2 hours from here. Lots of car time to get acquainted, face to face. It was a great day, and we still are blogging friends - just face to face friends too.
This truly IS wonderful! I've made a few...Love Leslie and some of my sisters in Christ. It's a cool thing. :-) joleehamlin [at] comcast [dot]net
I've made so many new friends while blogging, but I think my most memorable is KarrieLyne over at Freckled Whimsy - we bonded over how to best use a seam ripper (one of her Tuesday Tidbits!) and we've been going strong ever since!
I NOW HAVE A NEW FRIEND, LISA, who blogs about her art. Through her, I have learned a new technique that I love, and she has gifted me with one of her own paintings.
My My bloggy friends are mostly my IRL friends who are kind enought to read what I have written, but I have had the pleasure of learning so much more about extended family. Turning those acquaintances in to good friends, especially since we live so far away, is so wonderful
I made friend with an author I admired through her blog. I felt like one of the cool kids. :)
Just made a new friend from the Block Lotto, Benta. I learn so much from all of you. Love the pin cushion.
I've exchanged emails and made comments on blogs - and do not have a blog of my own. Reading blogs (like yours) makes me feel connected to that quilter / blogger. Lovely acquaintances... yes. Friends with whom I exchange secrets and do things together...not yet. Thanks for the giveaway and intro to Penny.
i think ive made more friends thru flickr, but P. from TheWayISewIt is a blogger friend ive 'met' online ... and Em from Em Celebrates! is a blast to exchange emails with
First off, I DO have my very own lucky Penny, she is 20 months old. I really enjoy my blog friends. One, I met in real life (she commented above) and I have several others that chat with me through email throughout the week!
Such a great pincushion. count me in!
I've made so many blogging friends over the years, too many to count!
It's been an amazing experience.
My bloggy friends are the best! And I meet more and more all the time.
My blog friend Candace at Squash House and I found that we had so much in common as we read each others blog. We haven't met in person yet, but hope to one day...maybe at the Sisters Oregon Quilt show.
I don't blog myself, but I love checking all my favorite blogs every day. Her blog and yours are on that daily list! =) Thanks for the opportunity to win. Love that pincushion.
I know Penny as well from being in Ringo Pie Bee together, she is a very talented lady! I am good online buddies with Ayumi from Pink Penguin, we share a lot of the same likes! Blog friends are so much fun!
I know Penny as well from being in Ringo Pie Bee together, she is a very talented lady! I am good online buddies with Ayumi from Pink Penguin, we share a lot of the same likes! Blog friends are so much fun!
I love Penny's blog and have long coveted one of her footstool pincushions. So cute!!
I made a blog friend that has become a real life friend. We live about 50 minutes away from eachother and we met through our blogs but started getting together. She is awesome and I am so happy to have her in my life.
I started blogging a little over a year ago and have found and followed so many (including Penny.) I especially love the Charming Girl's Club I've joined. Thanks for a chance to win Penny's pincushion kit.
I have met many bloggers on line. There are so many I am not sure who to mention. Your one of my favorite.
I love your blocks and the footstool pincushion. I bought the pattern a while back and would love to win one for my daughter.
Thanks for the chance to win! I've made some wonderful blogging friends via my blog and flickr...but my first bloggy friend was Michelle (Michelle Musings) who was in the first rainbow block swap that I did. Recently I've met some fellow Canadians.
OOOh there are lots of blogs I follow....but being blogless, there not 2 way communication ;(
Lael! If you attach an email to your profile you can have two way comm! It's so easy! If you see this leave me your email in a comment and I will send you instructions!
I think blogging friends are awesome but haven't made one... yet. Maybe one of these days.
My blog has just started. But already find some interesting bloggers. Also participated in a quilt along. So much fun :)
The pincushion looks so cute :)
Best wishes
I am a new lurker to quilting blogs, so I haven't made any new bloggy friends yet, but I hope to eventually! I do check your blog and Penny's regularly and always enjoy them :)
I'm afraid if I start listing people I'll accidentally leave somebody out! But I've actually made quite a few bloggy friends in the 10 or so months I've been blogging & greatly appreciate each & every one of them! It's so nice to keep in touch with them all.
I am new to blogging, but I love meeting all the other bloggers that shares the same things as me! I have made some really nice friends all over the world blogging!
I started blogging in August. I have made a lot of new blogging friends and even just started a group in flickr called Pin Toppers! Come check it out. SOme one I recently met is Cheryl Lynch whose first book Fiesta Quilts is on blog tour now! She even asked me to be a part of it! Thanks for the giveaway!
I've made some awesome blogging friends! It is so great to have a community to share your passion husband doesn't QUITE get why I get so excited about a certain fabric line, etc, etc ;) Can't wait to meet a bunch of them face to face at the Sewing Summit!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Thanks for sharing... Sorry I'll miss the next show-n-tell... and I'll even have a new quilt ready to show for then... But we are off to Disney World!
Ive made many new friends through this blogging world we participate in. Most recently, its been April of Funky Vintage Kitchen. She even sponsored my first giveaway that ended last night with a pair of her grey mum earrings. But Ive got more giveaways going on. The next one ends tonight so theres still time to enter if you want to come over:)
I love this little kit and would love to win it.
I don't have a blog of my own, but my day wouldn't be complete if I didn't check in and see what all of my favorite bloggers are doing. They're such a source of inspiration!
It was late in the summer last year that I discovered the world of blogging - I don't have my own blog but follow many and have so enjoyed it.
I've been blogging on and off for the last few years, and there are people who I follow who I consider friends, not sure if they feel the same way back but it is nice to have a relationship that can go back and forth.
I love following your blog!! I am home sick today, left my second grade class with a sub. I am bundled in a quilt browsing quilt blogs, wish I felt good enough to sew! I am home a day and can't sew, just kills me to think about what I could get done!
Roslyn Mirrington of Bloom is someone who I have "met" through blogging as I just really seeing her beautiful sewing.
love it!
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