I'm sitting in the car on our way back from visiting family. We had a nice visit, marred only by the fact that two of the three kids have strep with a lovely rash. Otherwise know as scarlet fever. (thank you wikipedia). Luckily it's not a long drive and I have a little hand sewing to keep me busy.
Which is why I started to write this in the first place! Sew & Tell will be back Friday. Submissions can be anything since the last one in December. I was thinking this would be a perfect time to share all of the lovely gifts you made! See you Friday!
5 crafty mcCrafters commented:
drive safe. it feels so good to be back to routine after a week away. hope your little ones feel better soon.
Aww, I'm sorry you were hit by such illness. :-(
Although I am super-excited that S&T is returning! I'm not sure which project to post, lol.
Sorry about your kids, we have all taken turns being sick! Looking forward to seeing everyone's creations on Friday!
ohhhh, sorry for the sickies, but glad you were able to see family! Already have my post ready to go for Friday!
Being sick is seriously so crappy. I hope that by the time you get home they are amazingly all well, well rested, not in the needy-clingy-I-just-got-off-vacation-mode, and they have all learned to scrub bathrooms and do dishes. Wishful thinking? Well I'll wish it for you anyway :o)
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